Whatever style of photography you are into, and wherever you plan on going, you will need a high-quality camera bag that will hold your gear and protect it. A good camera bag is an investment as it will often outlast your gear. It will hold all your essentials, from lenses to tripods and all the bits and pieces you need to ensure you get the perfect shot every time.
What you carry in your bag will depend on you and your individual needs. Find out what kind of bag you need, and what photography gear you will want to pack in your camera bag so you’re always ready for the perfect shot.
What Kind of Bag Do You Need?
There are many different kinds of camera bags. The bag you settle on will depend on how you use your camera, the type of gear you need to take with you, and where you plan to go to capture that perfect shot.
A holster case is perfect if you only need to take the bare essentials: your camera and lens and a few small bits and pieces. If you need to pack a little more into your camera bag, and want to take your laptop or tablet with you, a messenger style bag is best for you. The Lowepro Streetline camera bag is perfect for a trip around a bustling city.
If you’re looking for a bag to take on adventures off the beaten path, you’ll want a backpack. You’ll be able to fit all your photography gear plus anything else you might need for a day of exploring. The MindShift Gear Rotation180 Backpack is excellent because you don’t even need to take the bag off to get to your camera!
What Should Be in Your Camera Bag?

Your choice of lenses will depend on your style of photography. Obviously, you can’t carry every type of lens with you, so a bit of planning will go a long way. A standard lens is a must for most types of photography, but do a little research to figure out which one is right for you.
Photography is all about lighting; if the natural light isn’t working for you, a flash gun can make all the difference. If you love portrait photography, it’s a must.
Tripods, Mounts & Gimbals
A tripod or mount will give your camera extra stability, which can be the difference between a good and an excellent shot. There are tripods in a range of sizes and mounts for all different kinds of situations.
Laptops & Tablets
Taking a laptop or tablet will allow you to edit and publish your shots on the go. There are a lot of uses for laptops and tablets, but only take them if you’re certain you will use them as they can be heavy.
Spare Batteries & Chargers
Don’t run out of battery while out and about; a spare battery is a lifesaver, while portable chargers will let you continue shooting all day long.
Memory Cards & Storage
The worst thing for any photographer is running out of memory, and for some reason it always happens at the most inopportune times. Extra memory cards are essential, while a good hard drive is a good way to store your images.
Camera Care
Taking good care of your camera and lenses is important, especially if you don’t want to spend a lot replacing gear. A camera cleaning kit is a must for any camera bag.
Optics & Torch
If you’re heading out bush, a pair of binoculars will make it easy to set up amazing nature shots. A torch will also make finding your way in the dark a little easier!
Water Bottle & Snacks
Wherever you’re off to, it’s important to stay hydrated. Don’t give yourself a reason to pack up and head home early.
Business Cards
Carrying business cards with your contact info makes it easy for potential subjects to contact you and see the finished results of your photography. It also makes networking easy!
Of course, you can’t really call it a camera bag without the titular item. If you’re serious about photography you will need a DSLR or a compact system camera. But you can supplement your photography kit with additional cameras.
An action camera will help you capture some amazing shots and awesome video. It’s a must for travellers and adventurers these days. Another option is to go a little old school with an instant camera. It’s a great way to thank your subjects for being photographed, especially when travelling. Instant photos also make great nice keepsakes.
For the best photography equipment and top camera bags, check out our full range of cameras and accessories in the Camera House online store today. Looking for more handy tips? Head in-store and have a chat to our expert staff.