Kodak TMAX 100 ISO Professional 35mm 36 Exposure - Black & White Negative Film

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Product Details

The technical details behind this film

Kodak TMAX 100 ISO Professional 35mm 36 Exposure - Black & White Negative Film has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 100/21° and delivers a wide exposure latitude, broad tonal range, and responds well to push development and zone system development changes. It is a medium-speed panchromatic black and white negative film known for its extremely fine grain structure along with high sharpness and resolving power. By utilizing a T-GRAIN emulsion, the grain pattern resembles a patterned, tabular form that maintains effective film speed while reducing the appearance of grain during enlarging or scanning. The Kodak TMAX 100 is suitable for reversal processing using the T-Max 100 Direct Positive Film Developing Outfit for making a copy and duplicate work. This excellent film offers great results for your works.

Key features

  • ISO 100/21° in Standard Process
  • Very Fine Grain, T-GRAIN Emulsion
  • Panchromatic B&W Negative Film

Top three Reasons we think you will love this film

  • High Sharpness and Resolving Power
  • Great value for money
  • Excellent Quality Film

Our experts opinion

Kodak TMAX 100 ISO Professional 35mm 36 Exposure - Black & White Negative Film offers great quality and amazing value for money.

Product Specs


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Kodak TMAX 100 ISO Professional 35mm 36 Exposure - Black & White Negative Film