Large format printing

Large format printing

Print your photos larger than life with Camera House. Talk to us in-store about our wide range of print mediums and size options.

Big photo prints for even bigger impact.

Showcase your best photos on a bigger scale

Some photos are just made to be printed big. Whether you want to provide a stunning piece of art for your home or office, create a meaningful gift, or even get your photo ready for display in a gallery, we’re here to help.

Camera House’s large format printing lets you showcase your photos in a range of options. We can print on a wide range of materials using premium inks for vibrant results. Our premium wide format printing options give you a showstopping final product that will stand the test of time.

Why choose Camera House for large photo prints

At Camera House, we love photography and we love helping you display your photos at their very best. That’s why we offer an extensive choice of large format printing services so you can get the right result for what you need. Our state-of-the-art printing technology means we can print in intricate detail so your images will stay sharp and vibrant, even at large scale.

All of our large format printing options use the highest quality materials and premium inks so you get vibrant results. Some of the materials we can print to include:

  • Paper
  • Canvas
  • Fabric
  • Adhesive vinyl
  • Metal.

We know that choosing the right print medium can be hard, so our team of photography printing experts can help you in-store to explore the options and choose the right print material for your goal. We can take you through the pros and cons, as well as show you samples so you can get a feel for the end result you’ll achieve.

FAQ about large format printing

  • How much do large photo prints cost?
    The price for large and wide format prints can vary based on your chosen print surface and the size. Talk to us in-store about your photo and we’ll guide you through the options so you can make the right choice for your budget and desired end result.
  • What’s the turnaround time for large format prints?
    Large format prints can take varying amounts of time, depending on the material you want to print on and any mounting options. Most large format prints on canvas are ready within a week. Timeframes for specialist printing services can be advised when you enquire with your local store.
  • What’s the recommended resolution for large format printing?
    Our minimum recommended resolution is 300 dpi for large prints. If your photo does not meet this, talk to us in store about possible editing and image enhancement options.
  • I’m not sure what finish I want, can I view samples?
    We know it can be an overwhelming choice to pick the right print material for your large format photo. Our friendly team can help you to understand the options and show you various samples in-store, so you’ll know exactly what you’re ordering.

Print your photos larger than life

Get in touch with your local store to discuss your photo poster printing needs.

About us

We are passionate about photography and helping our customers capture life's special moments. From camera repairs to film services, printing to scanning, and more, our knowledgeable staff provides top-notch services and products to unleash your creativity. Visit us today and let us help bring your vision to life.


Camera House Brookvale is a small family-owned business, located on the Northern Beaches in NSW operating for 30 years. Our dedicated staff have years of training and experience up their sleeve and can provide the best expert advice in the market. Just come in and see for yourself!

One thing we are proud of, is our high-quality customer service we deliver. Every customer that walks through our doors will get the full Camera House experience. We offer in house training to all our customers that purchase a camera or accessory, give everyone the chance to feel and use our cameras and binoculars on display and bring your precious memories back to life through our print shop services.

Our store also goes above and beyond for our community. We support many local schools around the northern beaches helping them choose the right camera for the subjects in photography and digital design. We also support our local sporting and scouting club by sponsoring basketball teams and donating gear to scout troops, like binoculars and torches when in need. This is truly one of the most rewarding things we do as a store, and we have no plans of stopping!


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